Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Don't forget to fluff your pillows

So last Thursday (only 5 days ago) I took the pillows off of our couch to “fluff” them. Today, we took the pillows off of the couch so we could move it into the other room. Removing the pillows revealed a very large, sticky spider web! I didn’t believe it was a web at first because it looked like the fake kind you make during Halloween. I tried to tell Noah it was just cotton from the couch pillows but then I touched it and it was very sticky. The thing that finally confirmed that it was a spider web was the very large grass spider (at least I think that's what it is) that almost crawled on my hand! What’s the lesson, you ask? Don’t just fluff your pillows every five days, do it every day, or monsters like this can grow behind your head! Hope you sleep well tonight :)

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