Monday, January 19, 2009

Hot Models

Yeah! My friend Allison is starting her own photography business and this is one of the pics she took of us! I can't wait to see the rest. There's a couple more here. If you want to see them.


Tim and Mandi said...

What an awesome picture...Jeanette you look amazing and of course Jonah is adorable. Some of my favorite pics of Tyler at that age are naked B&W. Precious!

Emily said...

I LOVE this picture of the two of you. So gorgeous! Allison does good work!

LaBountys said...

holy crap he is so cute and chubby. Oh ya by the way you look beautiful.

Moeller Family said...

What a stud- and you look great as well! What an awesome pic. I always run into Kathy and Shannon at church and we talk about you guys. Love the fat rolls!