Friday, August 29, 2008

36 Weeks

No contractions or anything crazy yet! Everything is going well and Jonah is still a crazy kicker. We are getting very excited and are almost done with the nursery.


Heather (wife, mom) said...

you look fantastic! and i love the name jonah. you're in the home stretch now :)

LaBountys said...

Take off the belly suit already.

Moeller Family said...

Hey Jeannette! Congrats on being so close to delivery. I know what you mean about your little man kicking all the time still. Ethan is crazy too! Good luck with labor and delivery when it comes! You look great!

The Bells said...

If you're feeling anything like me... aren't you ready for that dang baby to come out?!! :)

Jana said...

Just read on Becca's blog, you had your bouncing baby boy! Congrats, he's good looking! We are going to Disneyland in a couple of weeks. He should be plenty old enough by should come! Take care of yourself. Next time we are down, we will have to come by and see all of you!