Saturday, September 27, 2008

He's here!

Jonah Gabriel Lowe was born on September 23rd, 2008 at 10:49 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches long. We love him so much!!


Heather (wife, mom) said...

He is so stinken' cute! Take care and enjoy these teeny tiny times- they grow too fast.

McCooks said...

Hey Jeanette this is Lisa. congratulations. He is so cute, Enjoy!!

Tim and Mandi said...

Congrats to you guys! He's beautiful! (I snuck onto your blog from dan and kristy's)

Scott and Michelle said...

Congrats! He is adorable!

Moeller Family said...

Hey! Congratulations to you and Noah! What a handsome little man you guys made. Hope labor and delivery was good for you. We had our little one 2 days before you did. Isn't motherhood amazing? Enjoy and hope you're getting enough sleep-ha! :)