Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3rd Time's a Charm?

So, Monday morning, 3am, I start having contractions that are 5 minutes apart.  After about 2 hours of this I decided to go on a walk to see if they would stop or get stronger.  They stayed the same.  At about 6am I decided I should wake up Noah to see what he thinks.  He thinks (as most sane people would) that 3 hours of contractions 5 minutes apart warrant a trip to the hospital.  I call my mom and she thinks the same thing.  By about 7ish we are at the hospital and the contractions are getting stronger and closer together.  They hook me up the monitors and I have 4 contractions in 7 minutes.  Then the nurse asks me the million dollar question, "Have you had anything to drink this morning?".  

I sheepishly answer, ""  So they proceed to give me what I would guess to be about 48oz of apple juice.  What do you know, an hour later the contractions are slowing and eventually stop all together.  All the while I am only dilated to 2cm and have not progressed in the time I'm at the hospital.  So...they send me home.  I was in tears because I felt like I wouldn't know when to come back!  But, whatever, nothing I can do about it, right?

So I'm thinking to myself....ugghhh, I wish my water would just break so I wouldn't have to decide if I should go in or not.  Today, my sister came over to watch Jonah so I could go to a pregnancy/postpartum support group I've been attending.  On my way out the door I said, "I'll be back at 12:30, unless my water breaks, which would be fine with me."

PS since Monday I've been drinking water like a mo-fo trying to prevent false alarm #2.  So I'm sitting in the support group which is adjacent to the NW Women's Center where I plan to deliver and I really have to pee.  So I get up and go to the bathroom.  I come back, sit down, and GUSH!  There is suddenly about 2 cups of warm water running down my legs.  Oh, well.....this is convenient!  Then, I start having some contractions when I was not previously.  So I decide my water mush have broken and walk over to the Women's Center.  2 Lithmus tests and 1 slide test, it has not...I have just peed in my pants.  Well, at least this time Noah didn't leave work.  PS, I'm still dilated to 2cm and somehow less effaced than I was on Monday.

So hence the title, 3rd time's a charm?  I think I'm going to wait until the baby's head is crowning before I go in again. 


Gates Family said...

You are too cute!! That was great for a laugh. Though you are not laughing now, hopefully one day this will be hilarious!! I always wondered what it would be like to go into labor, but that never happened, so I always had to help things along. Good Luck!!

Heather (wife, mom) said...

hope she comes soon. i remember feeling the same way- not wanting to go to the hospital just to get sent home. hang in there and take a sleeping pill :)

Leah said...

This post made my day. More potty jokes, please.

Nicole said...

AAAHHHH! Frustrating! Thanks for the smile though :)

The Rubens said...

Oh I am so sorry, what an awful time you have been having with this last week! We will be standing by to hear when the little Ruby finally makes it!